Wholesale Crafts: www.wholesalecrafts.com Art at wholesale prices for the retailer.
MesArt: www.mesart.com/indexps.jsp?artist=672 A place at the crossroads of a gallery, a store, a marketplace, a community and a global network.
ACCI Gallery: www.accigallery.com An Arts & Crafts Cooperative featuring Fine Arts and Contemporary Crafts in Berkeley, CA. The oldest Arts & Crafts Cooperative west of the Mississippi established in 1957.
One Hundred Horses: www.onehundredhorses.com Raku fired ceramics, small animal sculptures and fetishes in the
tradition of ancient cultures. Highly collectable, very unique, very
CREATING QUIET SPACES: www.creatingquitespaces.com A web-based, eco-friendly resource that
artfully blends well chosen items for those of you seeking quiet, peace
and tranquility in our increasingly hectic world.
MOSAIC INSTITUTE: www.instituteofmosaicart.com IMA hosts nationally and internationally known mosaic artists and arts professionals for their on-going classes as well as presents lectures and exhibits which showcase the work of mosaic artists around the world.
OSLO: www.osloband.com
DENNIS DOHERTY: www.dennydoherty.com Male lead singer of the Mamas & Papas
Jan Berry Tribute Album: www.myspace.com/jananddeantribute I'm singing on this album, and I did the portrait of Jan on the album cover with Stabilo pencil, dedicated to Jan Berry.
Jan Berry Official Website: www.jananddean-janberry.com The place for all things Jan Berry.